Paper Bag Pumpkins
1) Select bag size you want to use (we offered lunch bag to grocery bag size)
2) Paint bag orange (except the bottom), also paint some paper green for leaves
3) Round the bottom of the bag by reaching in, pulling it up and tying it
4) Fill with scrunched up newspaper
5) Add stem (stick) and tighten around stem with raffia, wire, or hot glue. The stem can be wrapped with florist tape if desired.
6) Add leaves
When my son saw my paper bag pumpkin, he asked whether it was a pinata for his sister's birthday. I decided to use it for that, inserted candy, added a tape strap at the top, and then my husband threaded a rope through the tape loop. I was impressed with the durability of the bag, but with adult intervention, the pumpkin was smashed and candy released.